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Barf Buddy Puke Bucket for Hospitals, Classrooms, Restaurants, Parties, etc

Blast from the Past..Barf Buddy Puke Bucket

Anyone who has a Small Child, Sick Friend, or is Prone to Car Sickness will Appreciate These! Show You Care with a Sense of Humor by Keeping Extra Buckets in the Car, at Your Workplace, or Nearby the Medicine Cabinet. Perfect for Hospitals, Restaurants, Classrooms, or the Doctors Office, Easter Baskets?…Only Kidding! Plan for the Worst or Gag Gift Your Friends with a Barf Buddy Puke Bucket Today…No longer available until the creator Ron brings them back to us!

Stock Up Ahead of Time…A Must Have For:
Hospitals & Birthing Centers
Doctors & Dentist Offices
Airplanes, Travel Buses Cruise Ships & Boats
Nursing Homes & Daycare Centers
Churches & School Classrooms
School Buses & Rental Cars
Carnivals & Local Fairs
Bars, Taverns & Restaurants
Colleges & Dorm Rooms
Family Cars & Vehicles
Movie Theaters & Supermarkets
Shopping Centers & Malls
Police Cars & Police Stations
Motel Rooms, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast
Limousines & Taxi Cars
Showers, Weddings & Bachelor Parties
Halloween, Christmas Parties, etc

posted by SmileyMe | Saturday, October 08, 2005 3:44 PM