The Bridge Salvation Plan Bookmark


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The Bridge Salvation Plan Bookmark – FRONT: Gods Plan: God loves us and wants a relationship with us. (1 John 4:10) Our Problem: Everyone has done wrong and disobeyed God, causing a big gap between God and us. (Romans 3:23) Gods Cure: God did for us what we couldn’t do. He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross. The cross bridges the gap between God and us. (Romans 5:8) Our Choice: Its not enough just to know this, we have to admit we have sinned, ask His forgiveness and trust Him with our lives! (John 5:24) BACK: In plain English?do the following: Admit you’ve done wrong (I have sinned) Ask God to forgive you and to help you change your behavior (repent)…Qty is 1 Bookmark.